Dunton Family Farm News

What's Happening Around the Farm as well as a Soapbox for head farmer, Mike Dunton

Garden Planning

This is just a quick update to let you know that I am still here and that I have not forgotten about this blog.  The weather has been a mix of rain and breaks in the weather where we actually get to see the sun.  But the latter is rare.

It is still very cold and I have put off potting up the tomato seedlings.  I will start that task in the next day or so.  My dad cleaned out our utility trailer so that at first break in the rain, he can go pick up a couple of yards of potting mix for me.

For those of you who do not live in the Maritime Northwest and cannot understand what it means to live in a place where it rains for very nearly nine months out of the year, planning is critical if you are hoping to accomplish anything.

On top of garden planning for our own food, I have to integrate the trials grow outs with the seed production schedule.  It becomes an overlapping mesh-work between wants and needs, physical space, human resources, the climatic trends, and isolation requirements.  I never get to do all that I want in the gardens in any given year but if the plan is looked at from a multi-decade perspective, life permitting, I hope to realize my goals.

In addition to the gardening / seed grow out plans, we have to cram in all of the construction, improvement and maintenance projects into the few nice months that we are dealt.  With the exception of the greenhouse and farmstand to accommodate all of you local folks that have been patiently waiting, I don’t have any major building plans for this season.  I do have maintenance work to complete as well as a lot of fence repair work and later this fall, tree planting.

So, aside from doing the day-to-day work associated with getting all of your orders out, planning and preparing are the order of the day.

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Click for Heirloom Tomato Seed Selection Save Seeds - Victory Horticultural Library matersearch.com - online tomato resources