Dunton Family Farm News

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Let Them Stand . . . Seedheads Feed Birds

This is the time of year that we are all busy cleaning up our yards and gardens and getting them ready for winter.  But if you can tolerate a little disorder in your landscape, I would ask you to consider letting some of your old flower stalks stand.

Beautifful Sunflowers in the Summer

Beautiful Sunflowers in the Summer

Although they may not be very attractive, your flower seed heads will attract and provide an important food source for overwintering and migratory birds.

Not as attractive in October, the seedheads are still beautiful in the function.

Not as attractive in October as they were in the summer, flower seed heads serve an important function of feeding overwintering and migratory birds.


A close up showing proof that the seeds are appreciated.

A close up showing proof that the seeds are appreciated.

So even if you look out the window and gaze out on your spent flowers, you probably will get a chance to watch flocks of birds enjoying your generosity.

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