
An educational resource of the Victory Horticultural Group, LLC


•  Find Your Frost Date

•  Hardiness Zone Maps

•  Garden Planting Guide

•  "Why Heirlooms?" - FAQ

•  "A Case for Heirlooms"

•  Glossary of Terms

•  Seed Saving Tips

•  Glossary of Terms

•  Vegetable Origins

•  Scoville Units

•  Measurement Conversion

Click here for the Victory Horticultural Library.

Click here for Heirloom Tomato Seeds and Information.

What seeds to sow when the soil temperature is above . . .

Minimum Soil Temperature
(in ºF)
Type of Seed
40 Arugula, Broad or Fava beans, Endive, Kale, Lettuce, Parsnips, Garden or English Peas, Radish
50 Chinese Cabbage, Cress, Kohl Rabi, Leeks, Onion, Rutabaga (Swedes), Swiss Chard, Turnips
60 Bush Beans[1], Kidney Beans[1], Pole Beans[1], Runner Beans[1], Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Parsley, Spinach


  1. Beans will not tolerate frost so don't take risks or plan on replanting if frost occurs.


Asparagus[2], Tomato[3], Eggplant[3], Pepper[3], Cucumber, Corn (Maize)[4], Muskmelon, New Zealand Spinach[5], Okra, Pumpkin, Rhubarb[6], Sorghum, Summer Squash, Winter Squash, Watermelon


  1. Start Asparagus seeds indoors or in a greenhouse 60 to 90 days prior to your last expected frost date.  Direct seeding into the garden is not recommended.

  2. Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants need to be sown indoors 6 to 8 weeks prior to your last expected spring frost date.

  3. Soil must be at least 65ºF for corn seeds to germinate. Be patient or you will waste a lot of seed! [Click here for more information.]

  4. New Zealand Spinach should be direct sown after all danger of frost has past or start transplants indoors 3 to 4 weeks prior to your last frost date.

  5. Sow Rhubarb seeds ¼-inch deep, indoors, six to eight weeks prior to last frost.

A basic understanding of the science of biology is critical to successfully partner with nature and produce non-native plant species in our gardens and years.  Soil thermometers are relatively inexpensive and a wise investment.

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