Achichiq Chuchuk
(Uzbek Tomato Salad)

  • 2 medium to large sized fresh tomatoes.
  • 1 or 2 cucumbers
  • Onion or shallots (enough for about one-third cup diced)
  • Freshly chopped dill of coriander, your preference, to taste
  • Salt and Sunflower Seed Oil to taste

This traditional Uzbek recipe is all about "fresh." This means that it is best when it is made in the summer using fresh out of the garden produce.

Preparation is simple and the recipe widely open to interpretation and personal preference. Some people take the time to thinly slice the tomatoes and cucumbers, and this does allow the flavors to marinate and merge together more quickly, but it is equally as good if you simply mince everything up into small, 1/4 to 1/2 inch cubes.

With the tomatoes, cucumbers and onion prepared, mix the ingredients together in a serving bowl, drizzle with a small amount of sunflower seed oil and salt to taste.

Serve as a side dish for any meal but if you want a more traditional main course suggesting, pair with your favorite kabob recipe.

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